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News & Events

Meeting of expert committee for the project 'CRISPR mediated genetic correction of Sickle Cell Disea

Meeting of expert committee for the project 'CRISPR mediated genetic correction of Sickle Cell Disease towards clinical trials in a small patient cohort'.

Phd student Prabhleen kaur successfully completing the prestigious 'EMBO PhD Course at @embl

Phd student Prabhleen kaur successfully completing the prestigious 'EMBO' PhD Course.

Insights and discussions with Dr. Jyotish Patel

Insights and discussions with Dr. Jyotish Patel on the study and treatment of sickle cell patients.

FGE 2023 | Goa

Dr. Debojyoti Chakraborty inaugurated the international conference FGE 2023 organized by IGIB, where eminent scientists from around the world discussed and presented their work on recent advancements in CRISPR technology.

EMBO | India Research Partnership

EMBO Director, Fiona Watt, delegates and EMBO Young Investigators visited CSIR-IGIB for a day of scientific talks and workshops.

India-EMBO Lecture Course, NCBS

PhD students Saumya Sharma and Meghali Aich attended a fully- sponsored lecture course on “Modeling development and disease with human tissue organoids" and also presented scientific posters highlighting their recent work.

EMBO-InStem Event, Bangalore

PhD student Riya Rauthan delivered a scientific talk on "Dissecting the genetic determinants of cortical interneuron migration in human forebrain assembloids" at the India-EMBO Lecture course, hosted by InStem.

Genome Editing Workshop, IGIB

DC Lab organised a Hands-on-Training Workshop on "Genome Editing via CRISPR-Cas9" at CSIR-IGIB.

ACBICON Conference, New Delhi

PhD students from DC lab presented their research work at the ACBICON conference at ICAR, New Delhi.

EMBL Symposium, Heidelberg

PhD student Meghali Aich presented her research work on "Regulated interaction of Panct1 with TOBF1 modulates mouse embryonic stem cell fate by regulating alternative splicing" at the EMBL Symposium on "The complex life of RNA" in Heidelberg.

EMBO Workshop, Singapore

PhD student Rhythm Phutela presented her research work on "Molecular Dissection of DNA targeting properties of FnCas9 for disease detection and correction" at the EMBO Workshop on DNA Damage Response, Immunity and Ageing in Singapore.

FGE Meeting, Seoul

Dr. Debojyoti Chakraborty presented his talk at the Frontiers in Genome Engineering 2022 Meeting (FGE 2022) on the topic “Reading and writing the genome with precision” in Seoul, South Korea.

May 2024

 Debojyoti Chakraborty gave a talk on the World Intellectual Property Day on the topic of ' Navigating the IP route for bringing CRISPR therapies in India'.

Apr 2024

 DC Lab hosted meeting of expert committee for the project 'CRISPR mediated genetic correction of Sickle Cell Disease towards clinical trials in a small patient cohort'.

DC lab organised a talk featuring Senthil Arumugam, faculty of medicine, Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute on ' Live cell/ tissue imaging approaches to understand endosomal trafficking and morphogenetic processes across scales'.

Phd student Prabhleen kaur successfully completed the prestigious 'EMBO' PhD Course.

Mar 2024

Phd student Prabhleen kaur successfully completed the prestigious 'EMBO' PhD Course.

Feb 2024

The DC lab organized a seminar featuring Dr. Jyotish Patel, an MD Pediatric doctor, Sickle cell expert from Shishudeep hospital, Gujarat who discussed "Clinical challenges and research areas in the management of sickle cell disease".

DC lab organised a talk featuring Arkasubhra Roy, director of  GROW Research Laboratory, Narayana Nethralaya, Bangalore who presented on the subject " From scientific discoveries to clinical translation: The India Experience"

Debojyoti Chakraborty delivered a presentation on National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources - NBPGR

Debojyoti Chakraborty delivered a insightful  presentation at AIIMS, New Delhi.

Jan 2024

Debojyoti Chakraborty and his team visited Raipur for the annual SCD awareness camp, contributing to scientific outreach.

Debojyoti Chakraborty shared cutting edge insights on CRISPR-Cas9 at LV Prasad Eye Institute.

Dec 2023

Debojyoti Chakraborty delivered a comprehensive presentation on Narayana Nethralaya Foundation day.

Nov 2023

Debojyoti Chakraborty presented advancements in Sickle Cell Disease cure by CRISPR-Cas9 at Indian Academy of Medical Genetics.

Debojyoti Chakraborty presented insightful findings at the IGIB Research Council Meeting.

In the coastal beauty of Goa, DC lab and BITS Pilani collaboratively orchestrated FGE 2023, a distinguished scientific conference. The event served as a nexus for intellectual discourse on genome editing, featuring luminaries such as Charles Gersbach and Xue (Sherry) Gao.

Sep 2023

Debojyoti Chakraborty delivered a TEDx talk on "Rewriting the genome with CRISPR" at ShivNadar University.

July 2023

Debojyoti Chakraborty delivered a talk on Ophthalmic Genomics in Narayana Nethralaya.

Debojyoti Chakraborty presented on 'MUSIC IN SCIENCE' in  TIFR, MUMBAI.

June 2023

The DC lab at CSIR-IGIB organized a brainstorming event focused on SCD(Sickle Cell Disease).

Debojyoti Chakraborty And Souvik Maiti participated in the 2nd CSIR-Institut Pasteur Workshop in CSIR CCMB. Debojyoti Chakraborty delivered a presentation on the subject of Human Genetics and Genomics. The main focus was centered on precise reading and writing about the genome.

April 2023

DC lab organized a seminar featuring Digvijay Singh, a guest speaker from the University Of California, who presented on the subject " May the pores be your guide on the exploration of in situ structural biology, revealing why a single ring cannot dominate them all."

February 2023

DC Lab hosted the EMBO | India Research Partnership event where delegates from EMBO, including the EMBO Director Fiona Watt and various EMBO Young Investigators, visited CSIR-IGIB for a day of scientific talks and workshops.


DC Lab hosted a seminar for Dr. Sandeep Soni from CRISPRTx, who presented on the "CRISPR-Cas9 editing in HSCs."


DC Lab hosted a webinar for Erdinc Sezgin from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, who presented on the topic "A career path in cellular biophysics."


Debojyoti Chakraborty was a guest speaker and chair at the EMBO-InStem event on “Modeling development and disease with human tissue organoids."


Ph.D. students Saumya Sharma and Meghali Aich attended a fully-sponsored lecture course on “Modeling development and disease with human tissue organoids" and also presented scientific posters highlighting their recent work.


Ph.D. student Riya Rauthan delivered a scientific talk on "Dissecting the genetic determinants of cortical interneuron migration in human forebrain assembloids" at the India-EMBO Lecture course, hosted by InStem.

January 2023

DC Lab hosted a seminar for Sambaditya Saha from Yale University, who presented on the "Composition can buffer protein dynamics within liquid-like condensates." 


Debojyoti Chakraborty gave a performance at the India Science Festival on "The science and magic in Indian classical music - a practical demonstration."

Project Associate, Shubham Rana presented a poster on FELUDA at the India Science Festival hosted by The Hyderabad Public School.

December 2022

DC Lab hosted a seminar for Amrinder Nain from Virginia Tech, who presented on "Suspended nanonets for quantitative biology".


DC Lab hosted a seminar for Dr. Minoo Battiwala from the Sarah Cannon Centre for Blood Cancer, U.S, who presented on "Gene therapies for Haemoglobinopathies- an update."

November 2022

DC Lab organized a Hands-on-Training Workshop on "Genome Editing via CRISPR-Cas9" at CSIR-IGIB.

Ph.D. students from DC lab, Meghali, Saumya, Riya, and Sajal presented their research work at the ACBICON conference at ICAR, New Delhi.

October 2022

Ph.D student Meghali Aich presented her research work on "Regulated interaction of Panct1 with TOBF1 modulates mouse embryonic stem cell fate by regulating alternative splicing" at the EMBL Symposium on "The complex life of RNA" in Heidelberg.

Ph.D student Rhythm Phutela presented her research work on "Molecular Dissection of DNA targeting properties of FnCas9 for disease detection and correction" at the EMBO Workshop on DNA Damage Response, Immunity and Ageing in Singapore.

Debojyoti Chakraborty and Souvik Maiti presented on " behind the scenes of FELUDA" on World CRISPR Day at a webinar hosted by "biologicallyspeaking".

September 2022

Ph.D. student, Rhythm Phutela presented her research at the Wellcome Connecting Science Conference- CRISPR and Beyond on the topic “Dissecting the molecular repair dynamics induced by Cas9 DNA cleavage”.


DC lab members Kanikah, Rhythm, Meghali, and Poorti organized a webinar with KAMP hosting 500+ school students, teachers, and parents for encouraging research in STEM fields and promoting SCD Awareness.


August 2022

Debojyoti Chakraborty was the guest speaker for a Podcast organized by TechSprouts on “Genome Editing Tools for the Future”.

Debojyoti Chakraborty and Souvik Maiti along with Dr. Rishi Dhawan and Dr. Ganesh Kumar from AIIMS New, Delhi visited the Shishudeep Multispeciality Hospital, Bardoli for discussions regarding potential clinical trials. 

July 2022

Debojyoti Chakraborty presented with Prof David Liu, Broad Institute, Harvard at the Frontiers in Genome Engineering 2022 Meeting (FGE 2022) in Seoul, South Korea. The topic was “Reading and writing the genome with precision”.

Debojyoti Chakraborty presented his laboratory's recent research at the National Workshop-cum-Webinar on Genome Editing" at CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad.

Ph.D. student Riya Rauthan from DC Lab is going to be a visiting scholar at Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute at Monash University, Australia. She will be collaborating on the microscopy of organoids in Senthil Arumugam's lab.


DC Lab hosted a seminar for Analabha Basu from NIBMG, Kolkata, who presented on the "Collecting population genetics to human diseases."


Ph.D. student Sundaram Acharya gave a lightning talk at the National Post-Doctoral Symposium (NPDS), 2022 organized by IISER-TVM from 20th to 22nd July 2022.

June 2022

Debojyoti Chakraborty delivered the keynote talk at the WRCB Summit on “Low-cost diagnostics for affordable healthcare” organized by IIT, Bombay.

Ph.D. student Sundaram Acharya presented at the EMBO Conference in Spain on the “Engineered PAM-flexible FnCas9 variants with enhanced activity for robust and specific genome editing and diagnostics”. He was awarded the EMBO Travel grant and received travel support from Sun Pharma.

Ph.D. student Manoj Kumar presented a talk at the CrickConnect Science Symposium, 2022 organized by the Francis Crick Institute describing his recent research work.

Debnath Ghosal from the University of Melbourne, Australia presented his work on the “In Situ Structures of Bacterial Toxin Delivery Systems by Electron Cryotomography” at a webinar hosted by our lab.

May 2022

A brainstorming meeting was organized in collaboration with the Sickle Cell Institute, Chhattisgarh along with clinicians and researchers from multiple governmental and private institutions from India and abroad. The discussions were focused on CRISPR-mediated genetic correction of Sickle Cell Disease.

DC Lab members were involved in outreach activities in the SCD domain. Researchers visited the Sickle Cell Institute and the Anganwadis in Raipur. They discussed with doctors and researchers about their work in the SCD domain and areas that needed improvement. They also interacted with SCD patients and families and acknowledged the ground-level situation around SCD in India.

DC Lab members conducted field trials where they assisted doctors in the collection of samples of SCD patients and carriers from remote localities in Raipur and conducted Sickle turbidity tests for preliminary identification of SCD patient samples. The samples were then confirmed positive using the in-house FELUDA kit.

Debojyoti Chakraborty and Souvik Maiti were presented with the Vasvik Industrial Research Award 2020 for Biological Sciences.

Debojyoti Chakraborty and Sneha Gulati presented on 'Precision CRISPR systems for therapeutic gene correction' in a webinar hosted by Chandigarh University.

April 2022

DC Lab hosted Mikolaj Slabicki from Broad Institute/Dana Farber Cancer Institute on 8th April over Zoom. 


Prof. Neal Young from National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH visited our institute on 6th April.  A panel discussion on 'therapeutic strategies for hematological disorders was conducted in the presence of collaborators from AIIMS.


January 2022

Ph.D student Sundaram Acharya won the Sun Pharma Science Foundation Science Scholar Award 2021 for 'Rational design of an enhanced genome editing protein for therapeutic gene correction and diagnostics'. 


December 2022

Debojyoti Chakraborty won the 'Merck Young Scientist Award 2021'. 

Ph.D student Manoj Kumar gets selected as an 'eLife Community Ambassador'.


Ph.D student Sundaram Acharya won the prestigious Keystone Future of Science Fellowship.

October 2021

Ph.D student Saumya Sharma started her Fulbright Fellowship at Sanford, U.S.

September 2021

Team FELUDA won the CSIR Technology Award 2021.

May 2021

Debojyoti Chakraborty gave an interview for InnoHealth magazine for their May-June edition on FELUDA based strip test for COVID-19 detection.

February 2021

Team CRISPR develops RAY (Rapid Variant Assay) for detecting variants of SARS-CoV2.

Ph.D student Saumya Sharma presented her work on organoids at GENXConference which was organized for school children by Genesys on 31st January 2021.

Recent Talks Hosted by the Institute

Past Events

CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110025 India​​​​


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